First and foremost, to the patrons, thank you so much for supporting Act II Players and the cast and crew of Play On! While your financial support is needed and greatly appreciated, your time is just as cherished. Thank you for taking the time to come out and watch our show.
To our friends and family, thank you for the time you have spent helping us get ready. Our loved ones have listened to lines (and our frustrations), read from scripts, built set pieces, found prop items, gave rides, and offered their unwavering support in all areas. This production would not be possible without you or your support.
To my cast and crew, thank you for making my first community theatre directing experience a great one! I have thoroughly enjoyed working with this immensely talented cast. It was great to be reminded of the talent of old friends and wowed by the talent of new ones. I also appreciated the backstage work that went into building and putting together everything you see and the things you don't see. The success of this show is due to this dedicated group of people and our volunteers. Thank you for making me look good!
A special thank you to my stage manager, Kassandra. It's not easy, especially as a teenager, to help manage adults and work with your mom in a sometimes stressful situation. She has worked as a stagehand a few times and agreed to be my stage manager with little hesitation. She jumped in and showed unwavering dedication to doing a good job. All of this was done while working, going to school, and competing in band. I couldn't be more proud or appreciative of her talents during the past 2 months. Thank you, K, for keeping me on track during this production and I have greatly enjoyed our mother/daughter theatre bonding time.
I have cherished my time as the director of Play On. Thank you to the board of directors of Act II Players for giving me this opportunity. I highly encourage you, if you are interested in any part of play production, whether it be acting, building, designing, or anything in between, get involved. Our website is and lists upcoming projects we have and how you can get involved. We look forward to seeing you around the theatre!
Ralin Trosclair, Director
