Thank you very much for supporting this year's musical production of Sister Act. This show is one of my all time favorite movies, and I am so glad that as a department we decided to bring it to the stage. This show is based off of the original screen production. However, in true musical fashion, it has been modified to fit a wide target audience and casting. You will notice some name changes and plot developments, but one thing remains the same: friendships that change the heart.
In these political and social economic times, it is important to note that friendships are one of the best gifts anyone can have. It is through friendships that we can cling on to through the difficult times, and celebrate with the good times. This story is full of twists and turns, that question and test friendship.
I invite you to sit back, relax, clap your hands, stomp to the beat, and cheer as this journey of friendship unfolds before your eyes. I am very proud of all of the hard work that the students have put into this production. I am blessed to have fun every day at work with an amazing and talented group of students. They enrich my life daily. I am also blessed to work with colleauges who are passionate about the arts, and providing opportunites for students. For this, I am forever grateful.
I would like to dedicate this show to my dear family friend, Gay Eads Snow. She was a beautiful, upbeat, whitty and caring soul, much like Sister Mary Patrick. Some of my fondest memories are watching this movie with her, (over and over) as we'd say the lines and dance to the music. I know that she would be front and center for this production if she could. So Gay, this one's for you!
I'd also like to thank the families of the students in this production. Your support in your child's stage adventure is much appreicated. Contiue to support their decisions, even if you don't understand them. Family and frienships are imporatnt to everyone's development and well being.
Again, thank you for supporting this production of Sister Act. Continue to follow along with behind the scenes photos, and upcoming events by following us on Facebook: ACRHS FINE ARTS, Instagram: @acrhs_theatre, and Twitter: @acrhs_theatre.
On behalf on the cast, crew, pit, and fellow directors, welcome to SISTER ACT.
With Gratitiude,
Robert Reid Goodson "Mr. G"