A Few Good Men - September 13 - June 23, 2024

7 Mary 34 Productions

 End Notes 

From the Producer...


I was in ninth grade living in Maryland when my mother took me to The Kennedy Center to see a show that I would later "rediscover" when it was made into a movie ...A Few Good Men. My memories of the actual show are dim but when I started producing and directing I knew I needed to revisit the script and do the show. While this story does not present all of the characters in the most positive light (Kendrick really is "just mean"...) it does show the honor and dignity of the brave men and women charged with the defense of our nation, and it shows their humanity too...which is, perhaps, even more important for us to remember. At the end of the day though, this is a piece meant to entertain, and I hope it has done that.


I want to, as always, thank some people who make these forays into imagination of mine possible...in no particular order


To my mother Lesley who is the person responsible for my exposure to this amazing show.


To my mother-in-law Adrienne who never comments on how crazy I am to spend money this way.


To my amazing Co-Director and Production Partner, Aaron Jackson, who has the most cinematic mind I have ever encountered. His technical and emotional prowess is clearly visible in every scene that you will see today, and I am grateful.


To our Military Advisors Cameron White and Jeremy Jackson, whose attention to detail made sure we did not misrepresent any of the military protocals...though some liberties were taken due to scripted dialogue...


To Jeremy Kuntze of Ft Myers Theatre and to Charlie Blum from The Arts Center Theater in Marco Island, who both lovingly and willingly provided sandboxes for us to play in...many thanks.


To my son Lucas who stepped into the tech booth so I could be onstage...


To my daughter Winter who helped every step of the way and is back stage even now...


To my daughter Aria, just because...


To my boss Megan Wolf who allows me to dally in this world despite my obligations in the real one...


To this AMAZING CAST who brought these people to life in a caring and beautiful way even when the source material seemed harsh...YOU are the beating heart of this production and I will be forever grateful that you made this possible for me.


To my beautiful and amazing wife and Production Partner Marie, everything I do is because of, and for you...


And to you faithful theater goer....thank you for allowing us to spend a few hours with you as we explore both the darkness and the light that lives within each of us. This show is a beautiful work of both tragedy and redemption and the triumph of love and honor.


This is lovingly dedicated to anyone who has served, thank you for all you have done to protect me and mine.


As always, for Bill and Ron who could not be here...with love.


God Bless,




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