All Shook Up - February 23 - February 24, 2017

Nanaimo District Secondary School


NDSS Cast and Crew would like to thank the following:


The NDSS Administration Mr. Steel (Principal), Mr. Marusik (VP), Mr. Cunnian (VP) and Bev Long (Fine Arts Department Head).


The Port Theatre This our second show in partnership with The Port Theatre. We owe a lot to Bruce Halliday who is an incredible community builder. Because of his generosity, our students have professional mentors guiding them in their production/creative roles and an amazing venue in which to perform.


Doug Roszmann, who selflessly volunteers his time as a musical director for our program. Doug is a busy, devoted family man who is involved in Nanaimo's singing and theatre community. We thank Doug for his passionate and expert musical direction that drives our shows. Doug is so much more than a musical director to our students - he is also a valued mentor. Doug often coaches students one on one, assisting them in honing their singing skills as he prepares them mentally to execute their performance on the stage, a courageous and difficult thing for anyone, especially teens. Doug always brings out the best in students and aspires to develop in them the virtues and qualities that will carry them through life beyond the stage.


Jennifer Therriault, someone who is also invaluable to the success of our shows. She is a committed mother who is president of our PAC and volunteers her time and energy in our larger community. Jennifer's skill set to organize a crew, problem solve, sew, and look after many other details both on the stage and behind the scenes is truly an asset.


Tim Gambrill (Graphic Artist), for his generosity in designing our artwork for our poster for the second year in a row.


All Sewn Up Participants Several community members and family members of students helped with costume preparation and sewing. Without their time and skill, we would not look nearly as good as we do! Joanne Pyne, Cathy Geneau, Shirley Godfrey, Kathleen Clark, Marion Damborg, Joy Claire Jenkins, Anna Thor, Christine Banman, Cindy Dutton, Tara Paugh, Amy Nowicki, Cheryl Thompson, CJ Farrugan, Julie Farrugan, Hayley Banman, Abby Milliken, Mrs. Hampshire, and Maija Dutton.


Additional thanks to Wes Pascoe Photography and Callum Wasmuth for the headshots. Jean Kloppenberg, NDSS teacher for her generous support. Teresa Hanesson for help with advertisements. Cathy Nguyen for assitance with the program.


Community Supporters  

The Port Theatre

BC Arts Council

bc touring council

Thompson Godfrey Group

Saywell Contracting Ltd.



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