Lend Me a Tenor - March 13

Lycee Francais de NY

 Who's Who 

  • Anatole Schneider

    as Max

    Anatole is a world-renowned actor. He rose to fame after his appearance as “Jedi #2” in the theatrical reproduction of “Star Wars.” He's best known for his method acting, spending 7 years learning the force, and, for the production of Lend Me a Tenor, spending months in an immersion program to learn to perfectly mimic an American man pretending to be another American, pretending to be Italian.

  • Celine Bacha

    as Maggie

    Playing Maggie is an opportunity for Celine to show off her ability to be completely oblivious. Her entrance into the competitive world of theatre began in Maternelle when she played “tree #2” in her school production of "Little Red Riding Hood." After handling such an onerous task with vigor, she hopes that playing Maggie will allow her to land her dream role as “Exotic Tree #2” in the Lion King.

  • Liu Delignon

    as Saunders

    This is Liu Delignon's debut in his "career" as an actor. Prior to Julia's generous offer, he was a hobo roaming the cold, winter streets of NYC. Thanks to his actual bipolarity, the role of Saunders is a perfect fit for him. Let's just hope that he doesn't hurt someone during the performance. Please, if you could spare some change, do so, because, this will probably be his first and last show.

  • Daniel Tishelman

    as Tito

    Daniel Tishelman won critical acclaim for his role as a flying meteorite in the film "Gravity." In preparation for his role, he spent months observing rocks and occasionally picking them up and throwing them; some even said he became a rock himself. When asked why he chose to direct the play "Lend Me a Tenor," he simply replied that, "Rocks do not chose; they merely act on instinct".

  • Olivia Bensimon

    as Maria

    Olivia Bensimon is often recognized for her terrible accents. She came to fame when she was nine years old as the portrait of Mona Lisa in a school production, where her talent of staying still was applauded. Since then, she has played minor characters who often don't have many lines, which has really boosted her career, leading to a nomination for an EF Award (Easily Forgettable Award).

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